Effective 1 Sept 2009, RON95 petrol grade will be officially introduced nationwide. All petrol stations are getting ready, in fact many petrol stations have already started selling RON95.
Meanwhile, RON92 will be phased out. Previously, the petrol consumers normally fill-in our car is RON97, which is priced RM1.80 per liter. Starting Sept 1, RON97 will be sold at RM2.00, twenty cents more than today’s price and RON97 is reclassified as premium fuel.
Consumers are then offered RON95, RM1.75 per liter as alternative. Most likely, most of them will then switch to RON95 for their car since they do not want to increase their petrol spending by 20 cents more per liter, which translate into 10% additional petrol expenses in their monthly petrol budget.
What is the impact of lower grade petrol to our car?
RON actually an acronym for Research Octane Number. Industry uses RON to measure petrol resistance to self-igniting in the combustion chamber before spark-plug ignites. “Engine-knocking” happens when fuel combusts prematurely before spark-plug ignites, resulting in loss of power and could possibly damage the engine over time.
Car manufacturers do specify minimum RON requirement for their cars. It is important that consumers confirm this by checking car owner’s manual. Based on random quick check, most new cars is able to use RON95. Some cars have the min RON# printed on the refueling cap. You may also call up the manufacturer, distributors, or authorized service centers to confirm. You may also check if you car can take RON95 at MotorTrader website here: http://www.motortrader.com.my/NUS/articles/article_1977/page_m.asp.
RON95 are branded as Primax95 by PETRONAS, Unleaded 95 by Shell (green pump), infiniti95 2X by BHPetrol, Premium95 with Techron by Caltex and Synergy 5000 by Esso/Mobil. PETRONAS says its Primax 95 meets Euro 2M Emission standards and has sulfur content of 500 parts per million contributing towards cleaner environment. BHPetrol infinity95 2X has an additive content of 800 parts per million, double the dose recommended by additive manufacturer, which comprises leading edge detergent and anti-corrosion components with a friction modifier.