31 May, 2019


Perpaduan… What went wrong in Malaysia.

Call for abolishment of vernacular school?
We need more than wisdom to  actually do this.
There must have a comprehensive political will.
They must have unconditional understanding.


28 May, 2019


Justice for Adib..?

What went wrong with Adib inquest..?


Alfatehah untuk aruah Adib.

22 May, 2019

13 May 1969 History Revisit

Know Your Facts...

Like or not, Malaysian especially Malays must learn the truth about 13 May 1969 history. 

So that the future generation will always know their ancestors right, roots and religions. 

They must understand that the danger of being manipulated, unawareness, laziness, stupidness, miskin ekonomi, tidak apa attitude etc. now and then will jeopardize their future generations.

Read More Here

15 May, 2019

Najib SRC Trials18th Day

Source here

Money Flow of najib acc...

Recipent of Najib Cheque...

08 May, 2019

Bacalah Sejarah...

Temengong Ibrahim singkir Sultan Johor Lama?

Baca lanjut di sini 

…. Berakhirnya institusi Bendahara membuka ruang kepada pembesar Bugis dan British sesuka hati menabal galur Temengong sebagai Sultan Johor Lama.  Johor Lama bermaksud tanah besar Johor, Pahang, Singapura dan pulau-pulau yang terletak di sebelah selatan Singapura termasuk Riau dan Lingga.  

Disebabkan tidak tahan dengan tekanan oleh British dan Temengong Ibrahim, pada 10 Mac 1855 Masihi Tengku Ali menandatangani perjanjian menyerahkan takhta Johor Lama kepada Temengong Ibrahim. ...

05 May, 2019

Raja Celop...

Kisah Raja Celop…

Baca di sinun 

"Apa ada pada nama gelaran...?"