25 October, 2020


Proposed Emergency May Put The Final Nail In The Coffin Of Our Economy

24 October 2020 - Press Statement by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah

1) The Covid Pandemic has caused so much pain, distress and suffering to the man-on-the-street and it breaks my heart every time I hear or read stories on how the ordinary Rakyat are struggling and coping with the crisis.
2) Every day, more and more businesses, big and small, are closing down. More people are getting laid off and unemployed. For the many self-employed consultants and contractors, there is hardly any work out there for them. Yet, they somehow have to feed and provide the basic necessities for themselves and their families.
3) When the pandemic first started, there seemed to be some determination by the Government to control the spread of the disease and to provide the necessary healthcare and treatment needed for the patients concerned. Financial aid was right provided. The front line workers and the civil servants are still doing a good job, even now, in providing the services needed.
4) Over time and lately, there seems to be a lack of a coordinated and integrated approach in dealing with the crisis in what appears to be a lack of clear and exemplary leadership by the Government. There are also double standards on the enforcement and penalty meted out, one for the ordinary Rakyat and another for government ministers and well connected people. Even on the procurement of the much-needed Covid vaccines for our people from overseas, the Government has taken a narrow, short-sighted and irresponsible approach of not supporting any genuine private sector initiatives, knowing full well that it would cost the Government nothing but would increase the chances of our country getting a workable vaccine when it is ready.
5) As I have reasons to believe that the Prime Minister (and his Cabinet) no longer commands the support of a majority of the Dewan Rakyat and has therefore, lost his legitimacy, I have recently written to the Speaker of Dewan Rakyat to treat a “motion of no confidence” as a matter of priority to be debated and voted on at the earliest possible opportunity. This is in line with the principles of our Parliamentary System of Democracy, which the Constitution is supreme and above that of the Standing Orders and the authority of the House is far above that of a government minister. My initiative with the Speaker, should not be seen as self-serving or that I may have a vested interest in the position of the prime minister, but in upholding the principles of our Parliamentary System.
6) I am dismayed and shocked that the Prime Minister (with the support of his Cabinet) is now seeking the consent of our YDP Agong to declare a state of emergency and presumably to put himself in charge of this emergency administration which would have far-reaching powers.
7) I am not questioning the right of any Prime Minister to seek a declaration for a state of emergency with the YDP Agong as stipulated in our Constitution but rather the basis, rationale, timing and the real motive for it. We are now having a public healthcare crisis that is severely impacting the livelihood and economy of our people and which the Government may not be managing the crisis in the best interest of the public. The public and politicians across the divide, except for a few recalcitrants, are co-operating with the Government on the measures and SOPs. Our Parliamentary System of Democracy is working well and there are no mass rebellion or riots on our streets. I cannot see any honest basis for such a request while I can only suspect non-honourable motives behind it.
8) If the Prime Minister were to get his way in imposing the proposed state of emergency, as an economist myself and the former Minister of Finance and former Minister of International Trade & Industry (and former Chairman of World Bank & IMF), I can say with some certainty that it may be the “final nail in the coffin” of our already battered economy. Local and foreign investors would shun us completely. Business confidence would be at ground zero.
- Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah 
*Media Assistant : Azmi Anshar Email: azmianshar@gmail.com

21 October, 2020


Tamrin Tun Ghafar Selasa - 20/10/20
( 1 - 27 )
1. Umpama buah durian yang hanya menunggu masa untuk gugur, ia tak perlu lagi dijolok, hanya menunggu angin sepoi meniupnya.
2. Apabila dia jatuh, yang lain pun akan ikut sama; maka bolehlah dijual di kaki-kaki lima untuk dimakan - Insha Allah itulah yang AKAN berlaku kepada Muhyiddin dan pengampu - pengampu beliau dalam masa terdekat ini.
3. Itulah balasan tunai ALLAH SWT kepada PENGKHIANAT - PENGKHIANAT yang sanggup menggigit tangan yang pernah menyuap makanan kepada mereka.
4. Berdoalah agar isu NIKA GEE, SEMBURIT dan FITNAH yang melibatkan isteri kedua tidak akan dikorek sehingga ke lubang cacing selepas ini.
5. Tak boleh dibayangkan setiap malam sebelum tidur dan setiap pagi, mereka ini - Muhyiddin, Hamzah dan Azmin dok terbayang dan berfikir berapakah jumlah sokongan atau undi yang masih kekal menyokong mereka atau jumlah yang dah lari.
6. Apakah Muhyiddin boleh dianggap seperti lukisan karikatur dibawah ini :
7. Terdapat pepatah
'Umpama Musang Berbulu Ayam' yang membawa maksud orang jahat yang berpura - pura baik; tujuan pepatah ini memberi kita AMARAN supaya senantiasa berhati - hati dan berwaspada terhadap orang sebegini agar : 'Pisang Tidak Berbuah Dua Kali'
8. Kini beliau sedang bersembunyi di sebalik WABAK COVID 19 konongnya dengan entah berapa kali Perutusan Khas disampaikan dan membaca doa yang sama yang di diulang - ulang di kaca TV, beliau ini pemimpin yang baik dan boleh dipercayai, itulah mainan politik bagi menguatkan kedudukannya.
9. Apa pun yang dilakukan rakyat mula jemu dan hilang kepercayaan terhadap beliau.
10. Mengikut Abu Hurairah RA , Rasullullah SAW BERSABDA - 3 tanda atau ciri bagi mengenali orang MUNAFIK :
i. Apabila DiaBe rcakap Dia Bohong
ii. Apabila Dia Berjanji Dia Tidak Tepati
iii. Apabila Dia Diberi Amanah Dia Khianati
11. 'Adat Melayu Pantang Khianat
   Orang Khianat DiMakan Kutuk
   Menurut Nafsu Datanglah Laknat
   Orang Laknat Matinya Teruk'
12. ALLAH SWT bukan sahaja BENCI kepada orang yang besikap MUNAFIK tapi juga berjanji neraka jahanam bagi mereka yang MENYOKONG atau BERSEKONGKOL dengannya.
13. Dijelaskan lagi dalam Surah Al Baqarah, muka surat 25, ayat 167 yang bermaksud :
"Dan Bagi Orang - Orang Yang Mengikutinya Berkata Sekiranya DiBeri Kesempatan ( kembali ke dunia ) Tentu Kami Tidak Akan Mengikuti Mereka; Mereka Tidak Akan Keluar Dari Neraka"
14. Rakyat khususnya pengundi - pengundi pada Pilihanraya Umum ( PRU ) yang lepas masih ingat janji beliau bahawa beliau TIDAK AKAN KEMBALI LAGI BERSAMA UMNO kerana UMNO adalah parti PEROMPAK dan PAS pula kononnya parti yang memperjuangkan Islam tapi MENYOKONG PEROMPAK - Islam jenis apa ini? soal beliau.
" NO WAY " !!!
itulah janji dan teriakan Muhyiddin yang disambut dengan tepukan gemuruh oleh mereka yang membanjiri ceramah beliau.
15. Tak sampai 2 tahun sahaja, dek gilakan kuasa segala CAKAP, JANJI dan AMANAH yang diberi rakyat telah disia - siakan.
16. Terserahlah kepada pembaca membuat perhitungan sama ada Muhyiddin MENEPATI ciri - ciri seperti orang MUNAFIK yang telah diSabdakan Rasullulah SAW atau sebaliknya.
17. Covid-19 yang melanda negara kita BERPUNCA dari Pilihanraya Negeri Sabah; perkara ini telah diakui oleh beliau sendiri.
18. Pilihanraya Negeri TERPAKSA diadakan ekoran mainan politik kotor Muhyiddin yang mahu menggantikan Shafie Apdal dengan Musa Aman.
19. Umum semua tahu Muhyiddin telah menghantar Hamzah Zainuddin, Menteri Dalam Negeri merangkap Setiausaha Agung BERSATU dan Nardin Awang , Setiausaha Politiknya sendiri untuk MENDESAK TYT mengikut telunjuk mereka, namun ditolak dan atas cadangan Shafie, Dewan Negeri pun dibubarkan.
20. Pemimpin - pemimpin UMNO yang dipimpin oleh Zahid Hamidi adalah merupakan PONDAN TUA yang sanggup dipermainkan oleh Muhyiddin.
21. BERSATU yang HANYA punyai 6 Kerusi BOLEH MEMPERDAYA UMNO yang punyai 39 Kerusi sehingga sanggup bersetuju Muhyiddin diketengahkan walaupun asalnya BERSATU Muhyiddin hanya diwakili 6 Ahli Parlimen SEBELUM Pengkhianat UMNO dan PKR melompat ke kolam BERSATU seperti katak.
22. Yang terbaharu apabila UMNO sanggup
MENGALAH memberi jawatan Ketua Menteri Sabah kepada BERSATU sedangkan UMNO mendapat sokongan lebih daripada BERSATU.
23. Sepatutnya dengan jumlah Menteri dan Timbalan yang terbesar di dunia dan hampir kesemua Ahli - Ahli Parlimen telah digula - gulakan dengan jawatan GLC namun sokongan terhadap beliau di Parlimen terus berkurangan BUKAN bertambah; nyawa beliau senantiasa dihantui oleh ketidakstabilan sebagai seorang pemimpin.
24. ANDA SUDAH GAGAL atau dalam bahasa Inggerisnya, YOU ARE A FAILURE.
25. Bagi MEMUDAHKAN tugas Duli Yang Di Pertuan Agong dan bagi MEMBUKTIKAN anda bukan jenis makhluk yang hanya mementingkan diri dari rakyat dan jika masih BERMARUAH maka disarankan adalah lebih baik MELETAK JAWATAN sebelum dicampak keluar.
27. Semoga tulisan saya ini dapat dibaca oleh semua termasuk Muhyiddin dan konco - konconya.
Terima Kasih.

01 October, 2020

Hidden hands behind penny stock surge

ASTUTE market observers would have noticed on the local bourse a group of individuals, supposedly acting in concert, who have amassed shares in more than 20 publicly traded companies. These companies — linked via shareholding and directorships — are often on the most actively traded list, with huge, fluctuating share prices....

It is also telling that nine of the 21 companies mentioned — AT Systemization Bhd, MLabs Systems Bhd, Focus Dynamics Group Bhd, mTouche Technology Bhd, Fintec Global Bhd, XOX Bhd, M3Technologies (Asia) Bhd and NetX Holdings Bhd — have their principal place of business, head office, business office or corporate office in Menara Lien Hoe, near Tropicana Golf Country Resort in Petaling Jaya. On its website, Lambo Group Bhd states that its address is at Menara Lien Hoe, even though the address in its annual report is in Old Klang Road in Kuala Lumpur. READ MORE HERE